Thursday, December 1, 2011

R&R in Isla Taboga

Above is the fine bottle of Port that Chris brought back to me from her Nigeria to Washington, DC flight during the stopover in Amsterdam. All I got to savor was the receipt as TSA in DC took the bottle from her carry-on bag. Apparently the unsealed duty free are meaningless. Oh well, it’s the thought that counts, kind of.
tabogaDSCN8844 We headed over to Isla Taboga to get in some quiet time R&R and to clean the boat bottom in the cleaner and clearer waters there. The fuzz on the prop in the picture is from 18-days of sitting. The stuff grows almost as fast as the mold and mildew does inside the cabin… errgghhh.
TabogaPicture 001  Taboga claims to have the second oldest Catholic Church in the Americas. The shrines start while you are still in the water. This one is to Our Lady of the High Tides, patroness of fishermen and swimmers.
TabogaPicture 017 Here’s me gazing over the bougainvillea and the water while Chris gazes at me through the lens.
Busy week this week. We are getting prepared to do our Canal transit on Sunday. Got tires. Lines come on Friday. Need fuel and more food shopping. I’ll post a link and the approximate time where you can see us go through the first locks with the live Canal web cameras. Should have the schedule on Saturday night.

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