I figured if I can write a blog for a year and half then I ought to able to write a book. While Chris was in Nigeria for 3 months, I spent my early morning hours cranking out a book. You’ll love the character build up and the plot twists – plus the discussion of intellectual property rights for software companies adds some flair. Finally got it finished with some good review from my old partner Seung and some tough editing from Chris. She’s big on using complete English sentences while writing. Published it on Amazon’s E-Books. Got 174 downloads so far – but no reviews. Maybe they are slow readers. You can buy a copy on Amazon and consider it like buying me a beer in a warm, open-walled, ceiling fanned tropical bar with raw wood and garish paint color decorations all around. Well, at least the beer is cold.
The Entrepreneur's Guide to Creating a Software Company
Congratulations Paul a Book AND what 5 trips through the canal! You're my hero When the royalties stack up there is a 54ft Amel for sale here in Roatan.
SV Sound Effect