Now don’t get your knickers in a twist. I’m not turning this into a political blog espousing some left-wing, liberal, or is it Liberal, agenda. Its just when you see scientific evidence of something, you have to be a fool or delusional to ignore it.
We spent a few nights on a freebie mooring at Naushon Island. The island has been owned by the Forbes family for 150 years. That’s Forbes like in Forbes Magazine and presidential candidate.
Its located on Buzzards Bay in the Elizabeth Islands – in Massachusetts
We took the dinghy for a bumpy ride over to Woods Hole. That’s the home of the Marine Biology Lab and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute. Got a good view of the harbor seal feeding at the small research aquarium. On the way back we saw this skateboard ramp conveniently located on a mooring in Woods Hole harbor. Getting air must be fun.
Doesn't Auntie Chris have a pair of "knickers" kind of similar to the 1990 pair? At least she used to have a pair quite like those...