Sunday, September 1, 2013

Proof of Global Warming

Now don’t get your knickers in a twist. I’m not turning this into a political blog espousing some left-wing, liberal, or is it Liberal, agenda. Its just when you see scientific evidence of something, you have to be a fool or delusional to ignore it.
woodsholeIMG_3121 ________________________________________________________
nashounIMG_3115 We spent a few nights on a freebie mooring at Naushon Island. The island has been owned by the Forbes family for 150 years.  That’s Forbes like in Forbes Magazine and presidential candidate.
File:Wpdms na elizabeth islands.jpg
Its located on Buzzards Bay in the Elizabeth Islands – in Massachusetts

We took the dinghy for a bumpy ride over to Woods Hole. That’s the home of the Marine Biology Lab and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute. Got a good view of the harbor seal feeding at the small research aquarium. On the way back we saw this skateboard ramp conveniently located on a mooring in Woods Hole harbor.  Getting air must be fun.

1 comment:

  1. Doesn't Auntie Chris have a pair of "knickers" kind of similar to the 1990 pair? At least she used to have a pair quite like those...
